Being Grateful Amidst Chaos

Gratitude is such an important thing that we can never have enough of. It has the power to completely change how you feel about a situation. Gratitude is being thankful for anything that one has received or the situation that they are in. Research done by Harvard Medical School shows that being grateful everyday can change your lifestyle significantly. It can make you more optimistic and motivated to do things that have a positive impact on your life, such as eating healthy, exercising, creating healthy relationships. Showing your gratitude to another person can greatly improve yours and their moods while deepening your connection. Through the struggles and hardships that each and every one of us face, there is still goodness left to be thankful for. If we focus on that and strive for peace, there is no reason for us to be discouraged. Although it is not easy, gratitude can help people feel more positive emotions, relive good experiences, improve health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships. It is important to acknowledge and be grateful for the things that people do for us. There is always something to be grateful for in any situation and if you focus on that, your mindset and attitude toward the situation can change for the better. 
